#01 – Here we go S.T.A.L.K.E.R.!

Hey Stalker, welcome to a new Devlog!

We are happy to share the first devlog on this homepage with you. This post will summarize all the info we have published so far on our Discord channel.

First of all, an overview of how the Sievert Zone is arranged. Maybe you recognize one or the other area.

There are a few objects that we reworked to bring them somewhat up to date.

On the screenshot you can see the original model from Stalker on the left side. As you can see on the shadow, the cross-connections are made of a surface or a texture. In the revised version, all cross-connections were modeled correctly, so that, among other things, the shadow cast and the interaction in-game works correctly.

The first models that are ready to be placed on the map.

Finally a few screenshots of the first steps on the map.

Stay tuned for more information and good hunting S.T.A.L.K.E.R.!

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