#05 – Great Swamps

Hey Stalker,

and again a DevBlog, currently we have a lot to show. But there will be calmer times again. Promised. What we also promised is a video from the swamp… maybe it’s worth to read on to the end today.

The great swamps has made great progress and is slowly approaching completion. The first playtests went successfully without any major problems. During the test a lot of screenshots were taken, which we don’t want to withhold from you. Many of the pictures are from the new extended swamp area.

Sidefact, did you know that the swamps were not always marshland. Before 1991, the area used to be a farming region, with villages and fields, several of which still remain in the area to this day. For more information: Fandom Wiki – Great Swamps

In addition to working on the map, we continue to make good progress on importing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. assets. In the past few days we have been focusing on the vegetation. Bushes and trees do not move by themselves in the wind in DayZ. To achieve this effect, individual settings and image masks have to be created for the different vegetation assets. In the gif you can an example of the vanilla S.T.A.L.K.E.R. reed in DayZ wind properties.

And the best, of course, at the end, moving pictures from the great swamps.

Stay tuned for more information and good hunting S.T.A.L.K.E.R.!

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